Application for allocation to facilitate the appointment of a substitute teacher in Primary schools
Published date | 17 May 2021 |
Issuer | Department of Education |
Form Sub45of20
Application for claims for substitute hours in the 2020/21 school year under Circular 45/2020
(Section 5.4 – sequencing of access to substitution)
This form should only be completed in instances where a school could not source a
substitute teacher in respect of a substitutable absence on any given day in the 2020/21
school year and wish to reclaim the day’s absence in part-time hours.
Return this form within 5 days of the teachers’ absence and no later than the end of the 2020/21school year to:
Primary Teacher Allocations Section, Department of Education, Cornamaddy, Athlone, Co. Westmeath N37 X659
Or the completed form can be scanned and emailed to:
NOTE: Please ensure the correct date of teacher’s absence has been reco rded on OLCS before completion of this form
Hours cannot be carried forward into another school year.
Date of teacher absence* Absent Teachers name
Number of
hours on this
*For more than a single days’ absence, please also complete the section on page 2.
I declare that
On the day of original absence, it was not possible to obtain a teacher from a substitute supply panel, my schools’
own panel of regular substitutes or the national substitute service.
The teacher absence being claimed for has been recorded on OLCS. (please note claims are cross-checked with
OLCS records so it is important that absence dates on the OLCS are recorded accurately)
_______________________ Date __________ Contact No. __________
Roll Number
Phone No
School Name
School Address
For Department use only
Check Absence on OLCS ____
Minutes keyed to OLCS____
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