Application for retirement pension and lump sum - NTS1 Pension Form
Published date | 23 October 2019 |
Issuer | Department of Education |
Application form for
Payment of Retirement Benefits Non-Teaching Staff (NTS1)
Part 1: Please compl ete your personal det ail s including a p ers onal email address and
contact number.
Part 4: Please enter det ail s o f your Pub li c Sec tor service his to ry and answ er the quest io ns
in relation to your employment in the Department of Education.
Part 9: This secti on provides yo u w it h a c opy of th e Data Pr ot ection Privac y St atem ent
associated with this application form. By signing the declaration on Page 8 you are acknowledging
you have read this. You can retain this page for future reference.
Part 3: Please select your retirement type, and enter your date of ret ir ement.
Part 5A: Please indic ate i f you are a member of the Spouses’ and Children’s Pension Scheme
(seen as “1.5% SP&CH NETT PENS” on your payslip) and answer the questions as outlined.
Part 6: Enter detail s r elating to any add itional pension b enef its you may h ave (ex cl uding
social welfare benefits). This is a mandatory section that is required to be completed under
Revenue legislation.
Part 8: Enter yo ur per sonal bank account details. This is the ac co unt that you r p ension will
be paid into. Remember to check the deposit limit on your account with your bank/financial
Part 7: This is the dec lar ation for ben efi ts and must be sign ed b y all applicants . If y ou are
applying to retire on a Cost Neutral Early Retirement basis you must also complete the second
Part 10: This secti on provides yo u w ith c ontact details f or the Pension Unit, and t he details
to where you can send your completed application form with any supporting documentation. There
is also a space in which you can note the date you posted your form.
Part 2: This secti on must be complet ed b y the Manager/Chairper so n of your Sch oo ls Board
of Management. This section does not need to be completed, if you are submitting an application
for Preserved Pension Benefits only.
Part 5B: Please also tak e no te o f the other original documentat ion you are requi red to
submit. This is dependent on your personal circumstances. If you do not submit the required
original documents, it may lead to a delay in the processing of your benefits.
Part 5C: Your spou se/c ivil partner is req ui red to sign Part 5C in r elat ion to the poten tial
provision of Spouses’ and Children’s Pension Scheme benefits.
Please answer ALL QUESTIONS. Incomplete forms will be returned and this may delay the
processing of your application.
Please use BLOCK LETTERS and place an X in the relevant boxes.
How to complete this application form.
Please read the points below carefully and use this page as a guide to filling in this application
form. You can also refer to the Non-Teaching Staff Retirement Information Note via our website.
You may find it useful to have an up-to-date payslip and bank account details with you when
completing this application form.
Specific information about each section of this application form
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