Appointment and Re-Appointment Primary Teachers
Published date | 23 October 2019 |
Issuer | Department of Education |
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Number AF: Pay 16
Primary Teachers Appointment and Re-Appointment Form 2022/2023
Incomplete forms will be returned to the School.
Teacher Details
School Details
Roll Number
School Name
Phone No.
Employment Details
Contract Type
PPS Number
Payroll No.
First Name
Correspondence Address
(e.g. Permanent, CID, Fixed term wholetime, fixed term part -time)
Type of Post
(e.g. Principal, Mainstream, SET, Specialist Subject)
Start date of Appointment:
All correspondence to personnel paid on the Department’s payroll must issue to this
address (not school address)
Date of birth
End Date of Fixed Term Appointment*:
Civil Status (see appendix A
(*in case of Fixed Term appointment – please complete end-date if known)
Phone No.
Origin of the Post:
Name of Teacher(s) being replaced:
Bank Details (not to be completed unless the account details have changed). NB: Please ensure your Bank Account
is SEPA compliant. Due to the withdrawal of Ulster Bank and KBC from the Irish market, please ensure your bank
account details have been updated if you have an account with these banks.
Bank Name
Bank Address
Name on Account
Once fully completed this form can be signed, scanned and emailed in pdf format to : with the school roll number clearly indicated in the subject line.
Payment on the first issue of the 2022/23 school
year can only be guaranteed if this form is
received by Primary Payroll Division
by Friday 8th of July 2022.
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