Date | 01 January 2020 |
Author | Riccardo Savona Siemens |
As yet another Volume of the Hibernian Law Journal is published, the time is apt
to reect upon the events that have shaped the Journal’s path over the course of the
past year.
From its inception to present day, the Journal has maintained a steadfast tradition
of providing a forum for legal discussion and for the integration between the
study and practice of the law through a multidisciplinary approach. is objective
has been pursued by increasing awareness and knowledge of the law among both
practising and academic lawyers while also fostering increased scholarship by all
members of the legal community. Whilst attentive to the issues and developments
within the Irish legal landscape, the Journal has always maintained an eye
further aeld. It has shown, time and again, a remarkable capacity to draw upon
developments in other jurisdictions in order to inspire and enrich the legal debate
in Ireland. As I look through previous volumes of the Journal, it is clear that each of
these principles have guided and shaped the work of my predecessors and Editorial
Committees over the years. It is natural therefore that the Journal’s path this year
would be guided by the same principles.
e multidisciplinary approach is evident in the scholarship contained in this
Volume 19 of the Journal. Some of the articles and case notes contained in this
Volume capture the dynamic impact of technological developments (articial
intelligence, ‘big data’, social media platforms to name a few) in rapidly evolving
areas as diverse as copyright law, defamation law and medical law. Other
contributions featured in this Volume (re)visit recurring legal issues and areas
with underlying tensions in the realms of constitutional law, employment law and
criminal law. Each contribution, in its own way, demonstrates the multifacetedness
of the law, its ability (or diculty, as the case may be) to evolve with and respond
to the issues of society. is Volume also looks at that gap between lawyers ‘in
practice’ and the study of the law, with the aim of inspiring legal debate across the
legal community by featuring contributions by academics, our colleagues at the Bar,
practicing solicitors and trainee solicitors (including future trainee solicitors). All
have greatly contributed to enrich the legal debate in their respective areas.
e multidisciplinary approach is also evident in the Journal’s other academic
activities. is approach, combined with the Journal’s natural ability to provide a
platform for legal analysis and discussion, has allowed the Journal to complement its
work with lectures and events. anks to the indefatigable work of my predecessors
and previous Editorial Committees, the Annual Lecture and, more recently, the
Hibernian Law Medal event have become staples in Irish legal scholarship and
have attracted exceptional speakers over the years. Cognisant of this tradition,
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