Income Protection and Permanent Health Decision Reference 2022-0107

Case OutcomeRejected
Date25 March 2022
Subject MatterIncome Protection and Permanent Health
Finantial SectorInsurance
Conducts Complained OfRejection of claim - fit to return to work
Decision Ref:
Product / Service:
Income Protection and Permanent Health
Conduct(s) complained of:
Rejection of claim - fit to return to work
The Complainan t holds an inc ome protect ion poli cy which wa s offere d by her
emp loyer and a dministered by th e Pro vider.
The Compl ainant’s Case
The Complai nant sta tes that in [Date Reda cted]she had eye surgery wh ich r esulted
in complicatio ns causi ng her v isual di fficulti es and i n par ticula r dif ficult ies w orking
in an off ice envir onmen t. The Compl ainan t s tates that her em ployer was
uns upport ive of the position she found hers elf i n, le ading her to develop ing s tress
and takin g ext ended sick leave.
The Com plain ant states that she has been on sick leave sin ce [date redacted]and
tha t in [ date redacted ] her employer ceased to pay her wages and refer red her to
the Pro vider t o claim from its e mployee Inc ome Pro tection Poli cy. Th e Complai nant
con tends that the Provider inco rrectly denied her clai m f or Incom e P rotect ion
paymen t de spite supporti ng medical reports.
The Complainan t submits t hat:
In [d ate red acted] I had bilat eral ca taract surgery an d devel oped
complicat ions. The se i mpacte d on my work causi ng i ssues wit h sc reens and
bright light s and tr iggered visual vert igo.

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