Tax Appeals Commission determination 85TACD2024 regarding CT, DWT & PREM, 2024

Administrative Decision Number85TACD2024
Date14 May 2024
Subject MatterCT, DWT & PREM
RespondentThe Revenue Commissioners
The Revenue Commissioners
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 3
Background ........................................................................................................................... 4
Legislation and Guidelines .................................................................................................... 5
Submissions ......................................................................................................................... 8
Appellant’s evidence .......................................................................................................... 8
Appellant’s submissions .................................................................................................. 11
Respondent’s submissions .............................................................................................. 12
Material Facts ..................................................................................................................... 15
Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 16
Preliminary matters ............................................................................................................. 17
Admission of documentary evidence ............................................................................... 17
Time limit the four year rule .......................................................................................... 20
Alternative assessments - Jurisdiction of an Appeals Commissioner ............................... 22
Grounds of Appeal .............................................................................................................. 25
Statutory Interpretation ........................................................................................................ 26
Substantive matter .............................................................................................................. 29
Section 112 TCA 1997 .................................................................................................... 32
DWT/Corporation Tax ...................................................................................................... 36
Determination ..................................................................................................................... 36
Notification .......................................................................................................................... 36
Appeal ................................................................................................................................ 37
1. This is an appeal to the Tax Appeals Commission (“the Commission”) pursuant to and in
accordance with the provisions of section 949I of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 (“the
TCA 1997”) brought on behalf of (“the Appellant”), in relation
to the following matters:
1.1. A Notice of Amended Assessment to Corporation Tax raised by the Revenue
Commissioners (“the Respondent”) on 27 December 2017, for the period ending
31 December 2012 (the “CT Assessment”), in the sum of €18,615;
1.2. A Notice of Assessment to Dividend Withholding Tax (“DWT”) raised by the
Respondent on 22 December 2017, for the period ending 31 December 2012
(the “DWT Assessment”), in the sum of €29,784, and
1.3. A Notice of Estimation of Amounts Due Employer PAYE/PRSI (“PREM”) raised
by the Respondent on 10 December 2019, in respect of the period ending 31
December 2012 (“the Notice of Estimation”), in the sum of €83,023.
2. The appeal proceeded to a hearing over three days, on 22 November 2023, 23 November
2023 and 19 December 2023. The Appellant was represented by junior counsel and the
Respondent was represented by two senior counsel. In addition to submissions from the
parties’ representatives, the Commissioner heard sworn oral testimony from the
Appellant’s witness (“the Appellant’s witness”).
3. The appeal proceeded in an unorthodox manner, whereby counsel for the Appellant
confirmed that there were no witnesses being called to give evidence on behalf of the
Appellant and that the appeal was proceeding on the basis of legal submissions only.
However, following the conclusion of legal submissions being made by counsel for the
Appellant, counsel for the Appellant stated that the Appellant’s witness would give
evidence. This announcement was subsequent to lengthy submissions being made by
counsel for the Appellant as to the admissibility of the documentary evidence submitted
in the appeal and there being no requirement for a witness to be called to give evidence
in relation to the Appellant’s appeal. The Commissioner sets out in greater detail
hereunder at “Preliminary matters”, the methodology adopted by the Appellant in relation
to its appeal.

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