Tusla: Child and Family Agency and COS & Anor

JudgeDaly J.
Judgment Date31 October 2014
Neutral Citation[2014] IEDC 16
Case OutcomeApproved
CourtDistrict Court (Ireland)
Date31 October 2014
[2014] IEDC 16
TUSLA Child and Family Agency
first named Respondent
second named Respondent
IN THE MATTER OF Child 1, Child 2 & Child 3, Children
31 October 2014
1. This is an applicat ion pursuant to s.18 of the Child Care Act 1991 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the 1991 Act’) by t he Applicant
Agency (previously the Health Service Execut ive and now Tusla, the Child and Family Agency ) for a c are order in respect of each o f
the c hildren and the Court is informed that the order sought is an order until eac h child att ains their majority. T his application is
supported by the children’s Guardian Ad Litem.
2. At t he hearing of this applicat ion the fat her was in att endance at Court and legally represented. The father c onsented t o the
application and requested a full review of the c hildren’s progress in care a fter one yea r.
3. At t he hearing of this applicat ion the mother was not in at tendance in Court. Her legal representative was present but was not
instructed by his client in this matter.
4. Notwithstanding the father’s co nsent to the making of a care order and the non- participation of the mother in the proceedings it is
incumbent upon the court to hear and asse ss the ev idence to determine that the relevant threshold for interference with the f amily’s
various rights has been met and to examine the welfare c onsiderations of the children.
5. At t he time of this hearing Child 1 was aged eleven years, Child 2 was aged nine years and Child 3 was aged eight ye ars.
6. The f amily first c ame to the at tention of the applicant in 2010 when anonymous referrals were received by t he social work
department in April, June and August regarding conc erns of t he respondent parent’s abuse of alcohol and the children’s exposure to
domestic violence in the family home. The c hildren’s school also referred generalised conc erns to t he Department and a particular
conc ern about the f ather’s alcohol use t hat same year. T he conc erns appeared to a bate and t he file was c losed in December 2010.
7. The Applicant received anot her anonymous referral in March 2011 subsequent to an incident outside t he family home at w hich the
children were present. T he file was again c losed in June 2011. A further referral was received by t he applicant f rom the gardaí in
October 2011 and the case has been open since that t ime.
8. A child protec tion cas e confe rence was held in March 2012 around which time the parents removed the children to t he UK. While in
the UK the mother and the c hildren were made subject s of police protect ion further to an a ssault upon the mother by t he father. T he
parents returned to this jurisdiction and the c hildren were made the subjec ts of interim care orders later in March 2012. They were
soon afte r placed in the voluntary c are of the applicant unt il further interim care orders were granted in December 2013, which orders
have been extended f rom time to time since t hat dat e.
9. The predominant child protect ion concerns leading to and subsequent to the c hildren’s recept ion into care may be summarised as
the parent’s long-st anding alcohol addiction, various incidents of domestic violence between t he parents and t he children’s exposure
to t he parent’s alcohol misuse and domestic violence. T his is supported by the garda evidence who also e xpressed concerns about
the c ondition of the f amily home and the children’s lack of supervision.
10. The soc ial work evidence inter alia described the supports of fered to t he parents to address their alco hol addiction and their
difficulties in managing their relationship. The evidenc e is that neither parent has addressed t heir difficulties to a sufficient degree for
the applicant to c onsider reunificat ion of the children with either parent at this time.
11. The soc ial work evidence c annot c ontradict t he assertion t hat t he parents are now separated and c annot c ontradict the
assertion that the mother has at this time remained sober for the pas t three months.
12. There is no evidenc e before the Court of any f ormal assessment of t he parents c apacity, or lack t hereof, to parent the c hildren,
nor is there evidence of the impact on the c hildren of their experience in t heir parents care and neither is t here any soc ial work
evidence of the asse ssment of the risk to t he c hildren if they are to be ret urned to their parents care.
13. The guardian, who supports t he applicant’s c ase, has given ev idence of Child 1’s difficulties with managing his/her anger and
defiant behaviours. She agrees w ith the dec ision to refer Child 1 to a c hild and adolescent mental health service and suggest s the
child requires psychological assessment of his/her psyc hological funct ioning and coping abilities. She not es some conc ern for Child 2’s

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