SWA 3C Feb 2021
This form may be used by a landlord or landlords agent to provide
the landlords tax reference number (or an explanation as to why
such a number is not available) as required by Section 198(4A) of
the Social Welfare Consolidation Action 2005 (as amended). It is
not necessary to complete it if the Tax Reference Number has been
provided in question 4, Section 2 of SWA Form 3.
Part 1 Details of tenancy
Tenants name:
Address of tenancy:
Part 2 Details of landlord
Landlords full name (block capitals):
Landlords home address:
Landlords phone number: _______________________________________
Landlords Tax Ref. No. (normally P.P.S.N.)
Is this (please tick ) Tax Ref. No. P.P.S.N.
Part 3 Reason why a tax reference number is not available (If applicable)
A tax reference number is not available because____________________________________________
Part 4 Declaration
I declare the above to be complete and correct.
Landlord’s/Agent signature: ______________________________________________
Address (If agent) ______________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________
Data Protection Statement
The Department of Social Protection administers Ireland's social protection system. Customers are
required to provide personal data to determine eligibility for relevant payments/benefits. Personal data
may be exchanged with other Government Departments/Agencies where provided for by law. Our data
protection policy is available at www.gov.ie/dsp/privacystatement or in hard copy.

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