Appointment of Post-Primary Teachers
Published date | 23 October 2019 |
Issuer | Department of Education |
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Appointment Form 2021/22
This form
should be completed for teachers who were
working in an RPT,
contract in this school
in the 20
school year.
Do not return this form to Post-Primary Payroll unless all necessary criteria have been completed.
Teacher Details
Male ☐ Female ☐
PPS Number __________________________________
Address __________________________________
First Name __________________________________
Surname __________________________________
Date of Birth ________/________/________________
☐ Tick if you would like to receive your correspondence
through Irish.
Phone No. __________________________________
e-mail __________________________________
☐ Tick to certify that you are currently registered with the
Teaching Council for the purpose of Post-Primary teaching,
in accordance with circulars 31/2011, 25/2013 & 52/2013.
If you are not registered you cannot complete this form.
Teaching Council Registration No.: ___________________
School Details
Roll Number _______________
School Name __________________________________
e-mail __________________________________
Phone No. __________________________________
Employment Details
Contract Type ✔
Contract of Indefinite Duration
Regular Part Time
Fixed Term Wholetime
Date of Appointment: ____________________________
Origin of the Post: ____________________________
Once fully completed, this document should be returned via e-mail to
the relevant person who deals with your school
You may contact Post Primary Payroll Division via email at
Payment on the first issue of the 2021/22
school year can only be guaranteed if this form
is received by Post-Primary Payroll Division by
Friday 2nd of July 2021
It is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure Teaching Council registration is in orde r, renewed in time and kept up
to date. A teacher
cannot be paid for any period where they are not registered for Post-Primary teaching, or where they have allowed their registration to
lapse. It is the school’s responsibility to verify that the proposed appointee is cur rently registered with the Teaching Council.
Bank Details
Bank Name _______________________________________________________________________________
Bank Address _______________________________________________________________________________
Name on Account _______________________________________________________________________________
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Previous Employment Details
Previous Teaching Service
If you have previous teaching service, please detail it using the below table. Previous service may entitle you to incremental
credit – see ‘Information Note for Post Primary Teachers’, which you should receive from your principal with this form.
Date From Date To Contract Type/Status School Name and Address
If your previous service was in an ETB (formerly known as VECs), you should attach a ‘Statement of Service’ and an ASC45
with this form prior to submission to Post-Primary Payroll. This is available on request from the ETB with whom you worked.
Ensure that a statement of sick leave absences for the past 4 consecutive years and any career breaks is also enclosed.
☐ Tick if you have included a Statement of Service with this form.
☐ Tick if you have included an ASC45 with this form
Keeping your tax information up to date with Revenue is your responsibility. If you need to make contact with them
regarding this employment they may ask for our Employer Reg. No., which is 0081300S.
This is important as it provides us with the details of your service. If we do not receive this information your progression
along the salary scale will not be transferred to this Department. This may result in your pay being less than the amount
to which you are entitled until we receive this information.
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