Bank of Ireland Group plc March 2022

Date14 March 2022
SectionDecisions made under data protection act 2018
In the matter of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018
DPC Case Reference: IN-19-9-5
In the matter of Bank of Ireland
Decision of the Data Protection Commission made pursuant to Section 111 of the Data
Protection Act 2018
Further to an own-volition inquiry commenced pursuant to Section 110 of the Data Protection
Act 2018
Decision-Maker for the Data Protection Commission:
Helen Dixon
Commissioner for Data Protection
14 March 2022
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 3
2. Legal Framework for the Inquiry and the Decision ............................................................... 3
i. Legal Basis for the Inquiry ................................................................................................... 3
ii. Legal Basis for the Decision ................................................................................................ 3
3. Findings of Fact ...................................................................................................................... 4
4. Scope of the Inquiry ............................................................................................................... 5
5. Issues for Determination ....................................................................................................... 5
6. Preliminary Issue: Article 4(12) of the GDPR ......................................................................... 5
7. Issue 1: Article 33 of the GDPR ............................................................................................ 17
8. Issue 2: Article 34 of the GDPR ............................................................................................ 26
9. Issue 3: Article 32 of the GDPR ............................................................................................ 39
10. Decision on Corrective Powers .......................................................................................... 46
A. Reprimand ........................................................................................................................ 46
B. Order ................................................................................................................................ 48
C. Administrative Fine .......................................................................................................... 49
i. Decision to Impose Administrative Fines .......................................................................... 57
ii. Total Value of the Administrative Fine ............................................................................. 60
11. Right of Appeal ................................................................................................................... 61
Appendix: Schedule of Materials Considered for the Purposes of this Decision .................... 63
1. Introduction
1.1 This document is a decision (the “Decision” or the “Final Decision”) made by the Data
Protection Commission (the “DPC”) in accordance with section 111 of the Data
Protection Act 2018 (the “2018 Act”). I make this Decision having considered the
information obtained in the separate own volition Inquiry (the “Inquiry”) conducted
by authorised officers of the DPC pursuant to section 110 of the 2018 Act (the “Case
Officers”). The Case Officers provided Bank of Ireland Group plc (“BOI”, the “data
controller” or the controller) with the Draft Inquiry Report and the Final Inquiry
1.2 BOI was provided with the draft decision in this Inquiry on 12 January 2022 (the “Draft
Decision”) to provide it with a final opportunity to make submissions. This Decision is
being provided to BOI pursuant to Section 116(1)(a) of the 2018 Act in order to give
BOI notice of the Decision, the reasons for it, and the corrective powers that I have
decided to exercise.
1.3 This Decision contains corrective powers under section 115 of the 2018 Act and Article
58(2) of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (the
“GDPR”) arising from the infringements that have been identified herein. In this
regard, BOI is required to comply with these corrective powers and it is open to this
office to serve an enforcement notice on BOI in accordance with section 133 of the
2018 Act.
2. Legal Framework for the Inquiry and the Decision
i. Legal Basis for the Inquiry
2.1 The GDPR is the legal regime covering the processing of personal data in the European
Union. As a regulation, the GDPR is directly applicable in EU member states. The 2018
Act gives the GDPR further effect in Irish law. As stated above, the DPC commenced
the Inquiry pursuant to section 110 of the 2018 Act. By way of background in this
regard, under Part 6 of the 2018 Act, the DPC has the power to commence an Inquiry
on several bases, including on foot of a complaint, or of its own volition.
2.2 Section 110(1) of the 2018 Act provides that the DPC may, for the purpose of section
109(5)(e) or section 113(2) of the 2018 Act, or of its own volition, cause such Inquiry
as it thinks fit to be conducted, in order to ascertain whether an infringement has
occurred or is occurring of the GDPR or a provision of the 2018 Act, or regulation
under the Act that gives further effect to the GDPR. Section 110(2) of the 2018 Act
provides that the DPC may, for the purposes of section 110(1), where it considers it
appropriate to do so, cause any of its powers under Chapter 4 of Part 6 of the 2018 Act
(excluding section 135 of the 2018 Act) to be exercised and / or cause an investigation
under Chapter 5 of Part 6 of the 2018 Act to be carried out.
ii. Legal Basis for the Decision
2.1 The decision-making process for this Inquiry is provided for under section 111 of the
2018 Act, and requires that the DPC must consider the information obtained during the
Inquiry; to decide whether an infringement is occurring or has occurred; and if so, to

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