Irish Sign Language (ISL) - Application Form 2021/2022

Published date23 October 2019
IssuerDepartment of Education
Updated July 2019 1
The Irish Sign Language (ISL) scheme is made available to provide funding for a weekly tuition
service whereby a tutor visits the home of a deaf / hard of hearing pre-school child or school-
going pupil to provide training in ISL for the child, their sibling(s) and parent(s)/guardian(s).
Funding is made available for tuition on completion of the full application process only, which
includes the issuance of a letter to the parent(s)/guardian(s) to confirm that sanction of funding
for the nominated tutor has been approved and the hours and time frame for which tuition is
All tutors must comply with the Vetting requirements prior to commencing the delivery of
tuition. From the 29th April 2016, the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons)
Act 2014 came into operation. All persons who wish to undertake certain work or activities
relating to children or vulnerable adults or to provide certain services to children or vulnerable
adults, cannot commence such work, activity or service unless they have been vetted.
All tutors must complete and return a completed Statutory Declaration (Appendix 1) and the
Form of Undertaking (Appendix 2) to the Department.
No arrangements should be entered into with a tutor in anticipation of funding being made
available until confirmation of sanction is received from the Department. Payment will not be
made in respect of any tuition carried out before approval has been given. Under no
circumstances will funding for tuition be back-dated.
Tutors providing tuition in Irish Sign Language (ISL) are paid at the current part-time rate and
are subject to tax directives. Travel and/or subsistence allowances are not available.
Payment of the ISL grant is made to the Parent/Guardian where the tutor/teacher is not on this
Department’s payroll. The applicable rate of funding will be set out on the sanction letter.
To comply with existing legislation, the Personal Public Service Number of the
parent(s)/guardian(s) and tutor(s)/teacher(s) must be supplied in order for payment to be
considered. The Personal Public Service Number (PPSN) is a unique reference number used in
all dealings with Public Service Agencies, including Revenue. If you need details of your PPSN
or your child’s PPSN please contact the Department of Social Protection (DSP) Client Identity
Services, Social Welfare Services, Shannon Lodge, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim.
Telephone: Lo Call 1890 927999 Email:
In accordance with legislation, the financial details in respect of this scheme are forwarded
annually to the Revenue Commissioners. Accordingly, this Department will advise Revenue of
the amounts of the educational grant aid which has been issued to the Parent/Guardian and the
name and PPSN of the Parent/Guardian and Tutor.
Completed Application Forms should be returned to:
ISL Tuition - Special Education Section, Department of Education and Skills, Cornamaddy,
Athlone, Co. Westmeath, N37 X659
The Department will keep and maintain records for the purposes of identifying persons
accessing additional supports and planning the provision of special educational and support

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