Kelly (plaintiff) v Simpson
Jurisdiction | Ireland |
Judge | Mr. Justice Charleton |
Judgment Date | 01 December 2008 |
Neutral Citation | [2008] IEHC 374 |
Judgment citation (vLex) | [2008] 12 JIC 0101 |
Court | High Court |
Date | 01 December 2008 |
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3 cases
Point Village Development Ltd and Another v Dunnes Stores
...O'DONNELL MCKECHNIE 30.3.2012 2012 IESC 23 CHARTER REINSURANCE v FAGAN 1997 AC 313 KELLY v SIMPSON UNREP CHARLETON 1.12.2008 2008/33/7128 2008 IEHC 374 CONTRACT LAW Specific performance Development agreement - Settlement agreement - Anchor tenant to commence and complete fit out works - Dev......
Flynn & Benray Ltd v Breccia & McAteer
...would operate from Irish ports. To similar effect, the first named defendant relied on the decision of Charleton J. in Kelly v. Simpson [2008] IEHC 374 where he stated:- "A court exercising a jurisdiction in equity to grant a remedy such as the specific performance of a contract must look b......
Webster and Another v Meenacloghspar [Wind] Ltd; Shorten and Another v Meenacloghspar [Wind] Ltd
...At that time, this feature of WTN was, to put the matter neutrally, incompletely understood. Curial deference 271 . In Kelly v Simpson [2008] IEHC 374, Charleton J. noted that: “The effect of a planning decision can be that what would have been a nuisance because of the intrusion on the qui......