Tom O'Driscoll v Seamus Dunne and Others
Jurisdiction | Ireland |
Judge | Mr. Justice Bernard J. Barton |
Judgment Date | 11 February 2015 |
Neutral Citation | [2015] IEHC 100 |
Judgment citation (vLex) | [2015] 2 JIC 1106 |
Court | High Court |
Date | 11 February 2015 |
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10 cases
Mannion v The Legal Aid Board
...IESC 44, Riordan v. Ireland (No.5) [2001] 4 I.R. 463, Sweeney v. Bus Atha Cliath/Dublin Bus [2004] 1 I.R. 576, O'Driscoll v. McDonald [2015] IEHC 100, and Moffit v. Agricultural Credit Corporation plc [2007] IEHC 8 I am satisfied that the authorities to which the trial judge was referred an......
George v AVA Trade (EU) Ltd dismiss proceedings, on res judicata grounds, prior to delivery of a defence. These included Barton J. in O'Driscoll v. McDonald [2015] IEHC 100, the recent decision of Costello J. in Corbett v. LSREF III Achill Investments Ltd [2016] IEHC 176 and the very recent decision of Ní Raifear......
J.O'C. v G.D.
...on this point I should make it clear that, in accordance with the suggestion of Barton J in O'Driscoll & Anor. v McDonald & Ors. [2015] IEHC 100 (Unreported, High Court, 11th February 2015), I have not overlooked the desirability of affording some latitude to the husband as a litigant in pe......
Mannion v Legal Aid Board
...that the citizen must not be troubled again by a lawsuit which has already been decided.”’ 18 More recently, in O'Driscoll v. McDonald [2015] IEHC 100, Barton J. affirmed as a test to determining whether res judicata arises, a test previously applied by Kelly J. in McConnon v. President of ......
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